Por una fotografía de la liberación
Existen múltiples fotografías de campañas y proyectos coincidentes, en este espacio compartirmos algunas de ellas...
MILO MOIRÉ | Conceptual artist
Free the niples: Campaign for gender equality
Río de Janeiro, 27 jul (EFE).- La “Marcha de las Putas”, que protesta contra los abusos sexuales cometidos contra mujeres, partió hoy de las playas de Copacabana, en Río de Janeiro...
Entre 1.500 y 2.000 mujeres y simpatizantes, muchas de ellas con sus senos descubiertos y el cuerpo pintado marcharon por las calles de los barrios de Ipanema y Copacabana, después de salir del punto de encuentro de la vigilia católica.
Algunos de los peregrinos católicos de la JMJ se enfrentaron verbalmente con la marcha promovida por el colectivo Vadía (vagabunda), movimiento feminista que nació en Canadá después de que un agente policial justificó la violación de una mujer por estar usando ropas “insinuantes”.
Sobre hacer un recorrido inverso al de los peregrinos, la profesora de filosofía Ellen Souza explicó a Efe: “estamos haciendo el camino contrario al de la Iglesia porque nosotros buscamos la libertad”.
En su cuerpo, apenas con un sostén, Souza escribió: “Papa, papa aquí” y explicó: “la Iglesia dice que el cuerpo es un templo de Dios, pero todas somos diosas y nuestro cuerpo, que es una delicia, puede ser disfrutado”.
La fotógrafa Claudia Regina, de 24 años y con el pecho descubierto, señaló que el coraje de quitarse parte de su ropa venía de “5.000 años de opresión”.
“Estamos aquí porque queremos un Estado laico y que mujeres tengan propiedad sobre sus vidas y sus cuerpos”, apuntó.
EFE/David Fernández
Madres protestan con 'mamatón' afuera de una secundaria estatal en Costa Rica
Leda Sequeira quedó embarazada a los 14 años y tras dar a luz retomó sus estudios en el Colegio Superior de Señoritas, pero abandonó el centro después que la dirección no le permitió amamantar a su bebé.
IMAGEN - San José. Decenas de madres se reunieron frente a una secundaria estatal en la capital costarricense, para amamantar a sus hijos en protesta contra la prohibición a una alumna de ejercer su derecho a dar de mamar a su bebé en la escuela. Xinhua
“Alimentar con el propio cuerpo es, ante todo, una muestra de amor que requiere mucho coraje, responsabilidad y una entrega que muchas veces desborda los límites de lo que imaginamos. Visibilizar esta labor invisible, tal como nos propone Isa Sanz en este proyecto, es poner en valor y dignificar el acto de mayor generosidad que un ser humano puede tener hacia otro”
Marta Mantecón. Historiadora del arte y comisaria.
Tras “Sangro pero no muero” y “Koinonía” presentamos el nuevo trabajo de la artista Isa Sanz. Con el nombre de “Alma Máter”, cuyo significado es “madre nutricia” y que se utilizaba en la antigüedad para nombrar a la Diosa Madre, se trata de un proyecto fotográfico realizado entre finales de 2012 y 2013 en Ibiza, Valladolid, Madrid y Barcelona y que recoge una serie de retratos de madres e hijas/os en periodo de lactancia.
Las mujeres autorizadas a mostrar los senos desnudos en New York
FEMEN: nuestros senos, nuestras armas
FEMEN: FEMEN - is a global women's movement
FEMEN - is the name of the scandal famous organization of topless women activists, who defend with their breast sexual and social equality in the world.
Activists of FEMEN - are morally and physically fit soldiers, who every day make civil actions of the high degree of difficulty and provocativity. FEMEN is the founder of a new wave of feminism of the third millennium and has followers all over the world. The symbol of the organization - a wreath of flowers that adorns the head of bold women on all five continents.
FEMEN - is the name of the new woman
FEMEN - is the new Amazons, capable to undermine the foundations of the patriarchal world by their intellect, sex, agility, make disorder, bring neurosis and panic to the men's world. FEMEN – is the ability to feel the problems of the world, beat it with the naked truth and bare nerve. FEMEN – is a hot boobs, a cool head and clean hands. Be FEMEN - means to mobilize every cell of your body on a relentless struggle against centuries of slavery of women!
FEMEN – is an ideology of SEXTREMISM.
FEMEN - is a new ideology of the women's sexual protest presented by extreme topless campaigns of direct action . FEMEN – is sextremism serving to protect women's rights, democracy watchdogs attacking patriarchy, in all its forms: the dictatorship, the church, the sex industry.
The magic of the body get your interested, the courage of the act make you want to riot.
Come out, Go topless and Win!
Gran jornada de manifestaciones debido al paro agrario nacional que ya completó 11 días, 29 de agosto, Bogotá.
Ángela María Márquez
Esta antropóloga sufrió hace dos años un accidente que le ha impedido volver a caminar. Sus ganas de seguir adelante representan la vida de muchas otras personas con discapacidad. Desnudo de una mujer convencida de que la sensualidad no muere con una silla de ruedas.
Public Art Project Addresses Gender-Based Street Harassment In A Big Way
Por solidaridad, 50 mujeres comunes se desnudan para un almanaque 2014
La autora del proyecto es Paola Pierini, una fotógrafa patagónica y preceptora de un jardín de infantes, a quien se le despertó la idea en una cena de amigas. "El de la imagen es un tema recurrente. La presión que impone la sociedad es muy fuerte y difícil de sobrellevar. Entonces nos dijimos por qué no mostrar el cuerpo desde otra perspectiva. Fotografías del cuerpo de una mujer real, con sus tetas caídas, sus caderas anchas pero que a la vez represente a una mujer bella y verdadera", dice Pierini. La fotógrafa hizo una convocatoria por Facebook y se anotaron 50 mujeres. Aunque en el calendario sólo irán 12, las que no lleguen al papel serán parte de una exposición virtual. La presentación será en octubre, en la villa. Pierini no pretende emular a "Playboy", sino mostrar a la mujer "con arte y respeto".
Son 50 mujeres entre arquitectas, empleadas municipales, comerciantes, amas de casa, artesanas y maestras las que posaron desnudas para un calendario denominado "Mujer en amor" que se comercializará desde el mes próximo por Internet y con entrega a domicilio. Con el dinero esperan comprar un mamógrafo para el Hospital local Oscar H.
Arraiz. En total se imprimirán 2000 calendarios que valdrán 250 pesos cada uno. Si venden todos conseguirán los 500 mil pesos que cuesta el equipo.
PELOS PELOS del Colectivo ALÉM
Ensaio político-poético, composto de imagens, que se propõe a causar reflexão sobre a naturalidade dos pelos em nossos corpos. É necessário pensar por que eles são geradores de tanto asco e por que nos mutilamos frequentemente para nos livrarmos deles. Compreendemos que vivemos em uma sociedade permeada por um machismo corrosivo nas nossas relações e comportamentos, que define opressão cruel às mulheres, e buscamos combatê-lo!
Se você se identificou e quer participar desse projeto, mostrando seus pelos ou apoiando a viabilização de nossas ações, entre em contato: alemdoludico@gmail.com
ALÉM é um coletivo de artistas comprometido com uma produção irreverentemente séria de reflexões necessárias para transformações contínuas de comportamentos, já que a vida merece relações mais respeitosas com as diferenças e mais bonita pelas formas naturais de ser. É a arte que vai além do lúdico.
Núbia Abe - 27 anos, catarinense, sobrevive em São Paulo.
Mateus Lima - 26 anos, mineiro, sobrevive em São Paulo.
Grupo de artivistas que investigan sobre género y post-pornografía.
Un espacio de trabajo híbrido que aborda sexualidad y género desde la noción de cuerpo y performance. Cuerpos, roles y morfologías aparecen como entes en transito que cuestionan el orden legitimador y proponen practicas sexuales y géneros no esencializantesPORNORTOPEDIA es un espacio para pensar y crear juguetes, protesis y ortopedia con fines sexuales pensados para todxs, teniendo en cuenta también otras movilidades y maneras de sentir el cuerpo.
Impactante campaña fotográfica para promover la segunda marcha pro aborto
A fin de promover la participación en la segunda marcha por el aborto libre, seguro y gratuito el 25 de julio, el Colectivo de Género Estropajo ha realizado una campaña apoyada por una sesión fotográfica impactante.
Natural Beauty Project
The project was born with our willingness to show to the audience that women don’t need any artifices to show their beauty. Moreover, their pictures don’t need to be reworked with Photoshop. A woman, any woman is beautiful in her natural state. The project is against the dictates created by the fashion industry, where the only beauty we see are the re-worked with the Photoshop pictures. We are manipulated by these standards in order to love them and accept them as being beautiful. As you know, models we see are in majority tall, European style, slim or even thin women.
Pictures I share with you are in raw format. That means they are with no retouches and taken in natural light. That kind of pictures I would like to offer to you thanks to this project. Different women, with different morphologies and roots, women that want to show that THEY can be sublime and beautiful in their natural state. Moreover, thanks to this project, I would like to make you think about the dictates of beauty but also the pressure every woman is withstanding consciously or unconsciously every single day.
This project is important to me because many women are not satisfied with their physical appearance and have a false self-perception. This unreal image is created by all the filters we have in front of the mirror, every look inspired by the Fashion Industry. This makes them being concentrated and loosing their energy in their imperfections, sometimes very little ones or even non-existing. Today, most of the women are thinking that any other woman is more beautiful. And this is a problem when speaking of self-esteem but also taking into consideration the impact on their moral, their behaviour and their thoughts.
So, we offered this new experience to several very courageous women. These women have accepted the experience to pose for a shooting without make-up or clothes, in order to show their natural beauty, without any need of hiding or masking their small defaults. Their pictures, I want to show you, prove that woman are naturally beautiful, or event that their imperfections make their beauty stronger, avoiding having female fashion clones, and this without any artifice.
El Movimiento de amor propio denominado Bare Campaign (Campaña de desnudo), fundada por Michelle Fetsch
Compartido por Cultura Inquieta
The BARE campaign was founded in 2011 by Michelle Fetsch, a 29 year-old woman who recovered from a 17 year struggle with eating disorders, body image, and self esteem issues.
BARE is an invitation to the world to allow all women to be seen, heard and free. We are honored to have the support of Super Model Carre Otis, well as other media personalities, models and activists.
The BARE campaign exists to empower women in having a healthy body image and self-esteem; to bridge the gap between perception and reality so women stop comparing and start supporting each other. Please read the courageous stories of some of the extraordinary women who have already dared to GO BARE.
“The BARE experience was certainly a turning point in my new identity after cancer. I had always felt like my body was strong and responsive to me, naturally. I was proud of my body – muscular and strong. Then Cancer came into my life and I felt so out of control with my body. Going BARE was more than revealing my current physical body, it was about revealing me without clothes to hide behind.” — Sharianne, Age 51
What We’re Up To
The goal of BARE Campaign is to provide realistic images of women in their authenticity and true power in the media. In empowering women we directly impact and affect the lives of the next generation; healthy women raise healthy children.
The Bare campaign launched publicly in May, 2014 and since has had over 1/2 million views and has been featured in Cosmopolitan, Shape, Huffington Post and other global media outlets for women. While it’s just the beginning, WE is committed to forwarding this message and women all over the globe are responding courageously by going bare and sharing their stories.
Alongside the BARE Campaign, Women Enough, (WE) plans to roll out a series of other campaigns to empower women and girls. “MY DREAM for the Next Generation” has hundreds of women and girls sharing their dreams and together, #WE are creating a new reality in media.
WE Believe a Woman’s Worth Goes Far Beyond Her Beauty
WE have gathered hundreds of women, between the ages of 23 – 80, of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities and ages — together in community to share their stories — from their darkest times to their most proud moments. They are photographed in their true essence, completely BARE. By exposing themselves in such a confronting, vulnerable yet safe way — these women find freedom from the constraints that have held them from feeling enough.
“So liberating and so outside my comfort zone.” — Christine, Ontario
“I felt more safe in this group of women than I ever had before, and I’ve been in some wonderful groups of women.” — Bonnie, Age 61
Michelle’s Inspiration
A long-time lover of fashion, Michelle once dreamed of being a fashion designer or stylist. But there was one major problem: While she loved fashion and wanted to make it to the “big time,” she became increasingly aware of a disparity in advertising and media: It portrayed and perpetuated an industry that celebrated disease.
That’s when her vision shifted. For the last four years, Michelle’s dream has been to disrupt media and support women in healthy body image and positive self-esteem. She believes that women long to see a broader representation of women in the media and thinks it’s high time the rest of the world saw that too.
“The idea of creating Women Enough was in the summer of 2010 after realizing I was ruled by my own dark conversation of not feeling enough. After a 17-year struggle with eating disorders, body image and self-esteem issues — I was fed up and I declared my commitment to supporting women in owning their worth, far beyond their beauty.”